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School of Public Policy

School ofPublic Policy

Michael W. Donovan

Michael W. Donovan

Associate Director, Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative
Researcher of Social Science and Public Policy

429 Health & Human Development Building

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: (814) 875-1201


Curriculum Vitae:


Michael W. Donovan Profile Image



Michael Donovan is the associate director of the Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative leading strategic engagement and outreach efforts with the policy, philanthropic, and business communities. He facilitates collaborative projects between the research community and external partners, including federal, state, and local government agencies, philanthropic organizations, and think tanks. In recent years, he has contributed to collaborative research efforts related to health equity, substance use and addiction, child maltreatment, rural health, juvenile justice, integrated data systems and data policy, research process innovation and improvement, the societal effects of COVID-19, and science communication and translation. His efforts aim to build and maintain strategic partnerships that both produce scientific value and contribute to the creation of policy-relevant, practical insights. He manages various projects and initiatives and brings external perspectives to maximize scientific impact. His interests encompass the intersection of scientific inquiry and public policy in areas of administration, business, communication, and technology. He brings more than a decade of experience in government to this role, including in his previous position as special assistant to the President in the Obama White House.



Research Papers:

The American journal of managed care, Volume: 25, Issue: 13, Published: July 1, 2019

Daniel Max Crowley, Christian M. Connell, Damon Jones, & Michael W. Donovan