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School of Public Policy

School ofPublic Policy

Kelly Rosinger

Kelly Rosinger

Assistant Professor of Education and Public Policy
Department of Education Policy Studies

400 Rackley Building

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: (814) 865-9754


Curriculum Vitae:


Kelly Rosinger Profile Image


Kelly Rosinger is an assistant professor of education and public policy in the Department of Education Policy Studies and a research associate in the Center for the Study of Higher Education at Penn State. Her research examines the barriers students face going to and through college and how postsecondary policies, practices, and interventions shape educational outcomes. Her current work considers how various aspects of postsecondary policies reduce (or exacerbate) racial and economic disparities in educational outcomes and how policies can be designed with equity in mind.

Rosinger has published research in Educational Researcher, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, AERA Open, Education Finance and Policy, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Review of Higher Education, and The Journal of Higher Education, among others. Her work has been highlighted by The New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, Chronicle of Higher Education, and Inside Higher Ed, among others.

She was an Institute of Education Sciences’ postdoctoral fellow in education policy at the University of Virginia. She earned her doctoral degree in higher education and master’s degree in public administration and policy, both from the University of Georgia, and a bachelor’s degree in public relations from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She previously worked as an assistant director of undergraduate admissions at the University of Georgia.


Research Papers:

Economics of Education Review, 91. (2022)

Kelchen, R., Ortagus, J., Rosinger, K., Cassell, A. 

American Journal of Human Biology 35(1). (2023)

Rosinger, A., Rosinger, K., Barnhart, K., Todd, M., Hamilton, T., Aries, K., Nate, D.

The Journal of Higher Education. (in press)

Kelchen, R., Ortagus, J., Rosinger, K., & Cassell, A

Research in Higher Education. (in press)

Ortagus, J., Rosinger, K., Kelchen, R., Chu, G., & Lingo, M. 

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. (in press)

Rosinger, K., Ortagus, J., Kelchen, R., & Choi, J.

The Journal of Higher Education, 92(5), 704-734. Accepted: Dec. 2020. Published: March 31, 2021.

Royel M. Johnson, Rafael E. Alvarado & Kelly Ochs Rosinger