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School of Public Policy

School ofPublic Policy

Dennis Jackman

Dennis Jackman

Senior Vice President, Global Health Policy and External Affairs, CSL Behring (Retired)




Prior to retiring, Dennis Jackman was senior vice president for global policy and public affairs for CSL Behring, a major international biopharmaceutical company. He optimized the impact of key international public policy initiatives on patient care and company objectives through the management of a worldwide team of public policy and corporate communications professionals. Areas of expertise include public policy analysis and execution of stakeholder policy engagement plans, allied coalition building, strategic communications, and corporate responsibility. Subject focus encompasses trade, tax, and healthcare policy. Dennis earned a master’s in business administration degree from Cornell University’s Johnson School of Management. He was a senior legislative aide to U.S. Senator Arlen Specter and went on to senior government and public affairs positions in the biopharmaceutical industry.