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School of Public Policy

School ofPublic Policy

Niki von Lockette

Niki von Lockette

Associate Professor of Public Policy and African American Studies

531 Welch Building

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: (814) 867-4773


Curriculum Vitae:

Office Hours:

By appointment

Niki von Lockette Profile Image


Niki vonLockette (Ph.D. Sociology, University of Michigan) is an associate professor of public policy and African American studies. Her work examines the impact of residential segregation on unemployment and wages for blacks and Latinos in metropolitan areas (Economic Geography, City and Community), and the effects of workplace occupational segregation on worker attitudes (Work and Occupations). The National Academy of Science awarded her a HUD post-doctoral fellowship to study the impact of residential segregation on the race gap in unemployment. She has served as consultant for the U.S. Departments of Labor and Commerce and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Research Interests:

Race, gender, employment, wage disparities, discrimination, segregation, immigrant workers, diversity



Research Papers:

The Review of Black Political Economy. 2016;43(1):35-56.

Von Lockette ND, Spriggs WE