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School of Public Policy

School ofPublic Policy

Mark Jinks

Mark Jinks

Former City Manager, Alexandria, Virginia


Mark Jinks ’74 Political Science and ’75 Public Administration, is a management, project finance, and urban development consultant who served forty-five years in state and local government. During his time as city manager of Alexandria, Virginia, Mr. Jinks was responsible for overseeing a workforce of 3,000 City employees, a $1 billion annual operating budget, and a $2.6 billion 10-year capital improvement program. Prior to serving as city manager, he was deputy city manager and CFO for Alexandria, and prior to that was CFO and budget director of Arlington County, Virginia. He started his career as a program analyst / capital project coordinator for the Michigan Department of Mental Health.

In the early 1990s, Mr. Jinks was a financial and economic development consultant to the cities of Warsaw and Krakow in Poland. He has served on numerous governmental and nonprofit boards of directors, three public pension fund boards, two transit organization boards, and one Virginia General Assembly study committee. He chaired the Chief Administrative Officers Committee of the Washington Metropolitan Area Council of Governments for two years and is currently a member of the Board of Directors and Finance Committee of the ACT for Alexandria community foundation.