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School of Public Policy

School ofPublic Policy

Next Gen Leadership Academy

Next Gen Leadership Academy

Next Gen Launch Event
Next Gen Leadership Academy Launch Event, October 26, 2023. Old Main Lobby.

What is the Next Gen Leadership Academy?

Launched in 2023, the Next Gen Leadership Academy is an innovative program offered by the Penn State School of Public Policy that aims to inspire Penn State undergraduate students from all majors to explore public service careers and equip the next generation of civic leaders with the skills they need to make an impact in their communities and beyond.

Penn State’s Next Gen Leadership Academy is one of over 20 programs nationwide that form part of the Volcker Alliance’s Next Generation Service Corps, a ground-breaking initiative that draws diverse, talented young people into public service. The Next Gen Service Corps benefits students nationwide, particularly students from underrepresented backgrounds, by opening the door to new career pathways and overcoming long-standing informational and systemic barriers.

Why Should You Join the Academy?

As the world becomes more complex and the challenges we face are increasingly difficult to solve, now more than ever, we need talented civic leaders who are passionate about public service. The Next Gen Leadership Academy is for Penn Staters who want to engage critically with the most important issues in society, those who are eager to make a difference, and those who want to lead by example.

By joining the Academy, you will have the chance to develop the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to become part of the next generation of public service leaders who will tackle these issues head-on. You will learn from experienced public policy professionals, develop a cross sector collaborative approach to problem solving, engage in hands-on training sessions, and work together with like-minded individuals who share an interest in making a positive impact on society.

So, if you’re passionate about making a difference in the world and want to be part of the solution, apply to join the Next Gen Leadership Academy today!

Next Gen Fall 2023 Leadership Retreat
Next Gen Fall 2023 Leadership Retreat, Stone Valley Recreation Area.

Program Benefits

Academic Programs 

As part of the program, participants will have the option to pursue the Public Policy and Leadership Across Sectors (PPLAS) minor and/or a noncredit Next Gen badge.

Co-Curricular Experiences

Next Gen members will also gain access to a variety of co-curricular experiences, including regular speaker events focused on government and public service, professional development workshops, and one-on-one mentoring support.

Cohort Experiences 

Students will also take part in cohort retreats and attend national Next Generation Service Corps events where they will have the opportunity to network with fellow Next Generation Service Corps members from across the nation.

Make An Impact 

Next Gen members will also participate in a range of service projects, demonstrating their commitment to public service while also making a difference in their communities and beyond.

Leadership Opportunities

Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their potential as future leaders by taking on leadership roles within the registered student organization affiliated with the Academy.


Students may apply for entry to the Next Gen Leadership Academy at any stage of their undergraduate studies.

Entry to the Next Gen Leadership Academy is open to all Penn State undergraduate students who meet the following criteria:

  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (or a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher for incoming freshmen)*; and
  • Will be registered as a full-time undergraduate student at the University Park campus for the forthcoming academic year. Note: this includes incoming freshmen, transfer students, and existing University Park students.

Students from all majors are eligible to apply. We encourage students from historically underrepresented groups (for example, first-generation and LGBTQI+ students, students of color, and veterans) to apply; however, membership will not be limited on the basis of a student’s status aside from the eligibility criteria referred to above.

*We appreciate that there are a number of reasons why a student may not have a 3.0 GPA. We will still consider applications from candidates who do not meet this requirement, where the candidate otherwise demonstrates strong leadership potential. If you do not meet the eligibility criteria but are still interested in participating in the program, please reach out to the Program Director, Jeremy Hoffman, via email at to discuss your situation.

Application Process & Deadlines

Applications for Spring 2025 entry are now open and will close on January 26, 2024.

Please note: applicants will need to log in to their Penn State account to complete their application.

As part of the application process, applicants will be required to provide short responses (between 150-250 words) to the following prompts:

  • Why are you interested in joining the Next Gen Leadership Academy and what do you hope to gain from participating in the program?
  • Please describe any prior activities that you have been involved in that demonstrate your commitment to public service.
  • What social issue(s) are you most passionate about?

As part of the application process, applicants may also upload a copy of their resume if they would like to, although this is not required.


If you have any questions about the Next Gen Leadership Academy or the application process, please contact the Program Director, Jeremy Hoffman, via email at

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the program last?

The Next Gen Leadership Academy is a multi-year leadership development program. Those who are admitted to the Academy will be expected to remain within program for the remainder of their undergraduate careers. This is to ensure that Next Gen members can make the most of the opportunities that are afforded to them as part of the program.

The Next Gen Leadership Academy programming has been designed to fit around students’ existing academic and extra-curricular commitments. Students will be expected to attend and participate in monthly events (these will include leadership seminars, workshops, and career sessions), as well as an annual cohort retreat. Other Next Gen events, including field trips, may also be arranged from time to time.

There is no such thing as an “ideal” Next Gen candidate. We encourage undergraduate students from all majors to apply to the program. That said, we are particularly interested in hearing from candidates that:

  • Have demonstrated a commitment to public service through volunteer activities and/or community involvement.
  • Are passionate about igniting social change and implementing solutions for key societal challenges.
  • Are interested in working collaboratively across sectors (i.e., government, the non-profit sector, and private industry) to adopt a multifaceted approach to public policy issues.
  • Are intending to pursue careers in public service (whether in government, the private sector, or the non-profit sector).

The Volcker Alliance’s Next Generation Service Corps is a ground-breaking initiative that draws diverse, talented young people into public service. The Next Generation Service Corps benefits students nationwide, particularly students from underrepresented backgrounds, by opening the door to new career pathways and overcoming long-standing informational and systemic barriers.

One of the benefits of joining the Academy is that members will gain access to Next Gen Connect networking platform, which will allow them to build connections with fellow Next Generation Service Corps (NGSC) members and alumni from across the country. This platform will allow members to access and share opportunities that broaden their knowledge and skill set, including jobs, events, and more. NextGen Connect also facilitates mentor-mentee relationships, empowering both NGSC alumni and students to grow and develop as leaders.

Throughout their time in the program, Next Gen members will also have the opportunity to take part in cohort retreats and attend national NGSC events, where they will be able to network in-person with fellow NGSC members from across the nation.