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Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts
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School of Public Policy

School ofPublic Policy

Majoring in Sociology, Criminology, or Political Science at Penn State?

Majoring in Sociology, Criminology, or Political Science at Penn State?

The Master of Public Policy (MPP) is a professional degree that imparts the skills necessary to understand the policy process, to design and analyze public policy. The MPP builds on the knowledge students learned in Sociology, Criminology, and Political Science to prepare graduates for careers in government, non-profit leadership, lobbying, think tanks, private sector jobs, and more.

The Accelerated Integrated Undergraduate/Graduate (IUG) Master of Public Policy (MPP) degree program helps students get their master’s in as little as one additional year of study. Required Sociology, Criminology, and Political Science classes will double count as classes for the specialization credits in the MPP program. 

For more information, email today!