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Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

School of Public Policy

School ofPublic Policy

Policy Profiles: Shelley Nickel

Policy Profiles: Shelley Nickel

November 9, 2022
at 11:30 a.m.

The School of Public Policy’s leadership series spotlighting professionals with careers in public policy will feature education policy expert Shelley Clark Nickel on Wednesday, November 9, at 11:30 a.m. EST.

Nickel is a strategic policy adviser leading state higher education systems and institutions in planning and executing complex initiatives, including consolidations and enterprise-wide solutions. She focuses on providing students with a pathway for successfully completing their higher education goals. Her experience was primarily gained in Georgia, both in state government and as an executive in the University System of Georgia, and now includes the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.

Nickel attributes much of her professional success to her educational experience at Penn State. She holds a Master of Public Administration degree and a bachelor of science degree in Community Development from Penn State. She also gained immeasurable knowledge and courage from mentors who guided her path.

She will join the “Policy Profiles” series to discuss her experience and take questions from attendees.